On this episode, we drop in conversation with Rev. Joanne Rodríguez Executive Director of the Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI), and phenomenal woman who leads with a passion to amplify and promote the educational and theological formation of Latinx students across the United States. Here she talks with us about “en conjunto” partnerships are why they are so important to do impactful transformational work. She invites those from minoritized experiences to resist the temptation to sacrifice one’s own knowledge, whether it be language or culture, or something else, just to fit in at an organization. She shares more about how a wisdom based leader is one who embraces their cultural leadership style, is rooted in their spirituality, and is committed to leading from their personal authenticity. She also reminds us that this generation is facing so many different challenges, and that instead of trying to give them the answers, we need to listen to them and enjoy them, because they are amazing!
For more information on Joanne’s work with the Hispanic Theological Initiative or to connect, please visit: https://hti.ptsem.edu/